Phone Number:(+632) 7751-1161(General Line / Tele Fax)
Address:31st F, Zuellig Building Makati Avenue corner Paseo de Roxas Makati City 1225 Philippines
For inquiries, comments, and suggestions, feel free to contact us through any of our channels.Call our hotline:(+632) 7751-1161 ext 1100
Visit our branch:31st F, Zuellig Building Makati Avenue corner Paseo de Roxas Makati City 1225 Philippines
Don't trust SMS from unknown sources
Cathay United Bank reminds you:
The Bank will not ask you to log in to Internet Banking to bind your user information.
If you receive a text message in the name of the Bank or from an unknown source, to protect your rights and interests, do not believe it or click on the link. If you have recently entered your Internet Banking User ID and Password on a suspicious website, it is advised to change them as soon as possible.
If you have any questions, please call our Customer Service Hotline at (+632) 7751-1161.
Cathay United Bank Co., Ltd. Manila Branch is regulated by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas with email: ; Tel. No: (+632)87087087 ; Facsimile: (+632)87087088
Cathay United Bank Co., Ltd. Manila Branch would like to remind all our valued clients to comply with Republic Act No. 11934 "Subscriber Identity Modules (SIM) Registration Act". Under the said law, all SIM card owners shall register their SIM cards within the prescribed deadline, which has been recently extended to 25 July 2023. Failure to register will result in the automatic deactivation of existing SIM cards, and the deactivation may cause unnecessary interruptions in the access and use of the bank's electronic payments and financial services.
Please contact your telco provider to ensure the completion of your SIM card registration.
Register your SIM card now to keep your number active and avoid inconveniences on your account.