服務項目 Service |
手續費收取標準(金額單位:新臺幣元) Handling fee |
新臺幣兌換為外幣現鈔 Convert NTD into Foreign Currency Cash |
繳款方式 Pay method
外幣現鈔兌換為新臺幣 Convert Foreign Currency Cash into NTD |
提領方式 withdraw method
外匯存款提領 Withdraw from foreign currency deposit account |
本行賣出即期匯率與賣出現鈔匯率之差額(每一元外幣現鈔 所收取之匯差費用) ,最低NT$100元。
The differential between CUB's selling spot exchange rate and selling cash exchange rate (i.e. the exchange rate difference charged for every dollar of the foreign currency cash), with a minimum of NTD100. |
存入外匯存款/辦理匯出 Deposit into foreign currency deposit account /Outward remittance |
本行買入即期匯率與買入現鈔匯率之差額(每一元外幣現鈔 所收取之匯差費用) ,最低NT$100元。
The differential between CUB's buying spot exchange rate and buying cash exchange rate (i.e. the exchange rate difference charged for every dollar of the foreign currency cash), with a minimum of NTD100. |
於本行自動化服務設備提領外幣現鈔(本行金融卡) Foreign currency cash withdrawal at CUB's ATM (CUB's ATM card) |
於本行自動化服務設備提領外幣現鈔(他行金融卡) Foreign currency cash withdrawal at CUB's ATM (Other bank's ATM card) |
Handling fee of NTD 5 for inter-bank cash withdrawal from NTD deposit account. The exchange rate is CUB's spot selling exchange rate. |
本行受理舊版鈔券 / 汙損鈔券除依照本行外幣現鈔之手續費收取標準計收費用外,另依下列標準加收處理費用:
The acceptance of exchange of old series banknotes/damaged banknotes by CUB: Handling fee according to the standard rate of foreign currency cash and an additional processing fee according to the standard set out in
the following.
項目 | 定義 |
舊版鈔券 Old series of banknotes |
每張鈔券另加收新臺幣50元處理費,每筆交易最低收取新臺幣500元。 |
汙損鈔券 Soiled banknote |
每張鈔券另加收新臺幣50元處理費,每筆交易最低收取新臺幣500元。 |
無法受理鈔券 Unacceptable banknote |
CUB is unable to accept banknotes if it is hard to identify whether the foreign currency banknotes are counterfeit because they are torn, broken, glued, smoked, burnt, soaked in water, stained with oil, dyed, corroded, not circulated anymore, or under other situations. |
- 各項費用計算至新臺幣元為止,角分以下四捨五入。
- 以上各項費用收取標準如有變更,將於實施前60日公告於本行營業廳及網站。惟因財金資訊股份有限公司、臺灣銀行、票據交換所或主管機關公告所為之變更,或變更有利於客戶者,不受前開公告日期之限制。
- All fees are calculated in NTD and rounded up to the nearest dollar.
- In case of any adjustments to the fees, CUB's announcement and notice will be made 60 days prior to the effective date in the business premises or website. However, such a restriction of notice period is not applicable if the adjustments are based on the publications of Financial Information Service Co., Ltd., Bank of Taiwan, Taiwan Depository & Clearing Corporation or the competent authority, or are favorable to the customer.