Using CUB's Finanical Influence to Foster Better ESG Performance in Investment and Financing Targets

Cathay FHC and its subsidiaries must adhere to the "Cathay FHC and Subsidiaries Responsible Investment and Lending Policy" when making investments and loans. This is to fulfill the responsibility of financial institutions to stakeholders, prudently manage environmental, social, and governance (ESG) risks, pursue long-term investment performance, leverage financial influence, promote continuous improvement in ESG performance of investment and lending targets, contribute to global sustainable development goals, and achieve sustainable society and business operations.
Responsible Investment/Lending Due Process
Post-Responsible Investment/Lending Due Diligence Practices
Investment Regular Monitoring and Review
  • (1) Sensitive industry concentration of the investment portfolio and Scope 3 financial carbon emissions.
  • (2) Investee's climate risk and ESG performance

The aforementioned items should be reviewed at least semiannually to inform adjustments in investment positions or to take appropriate management measures based on the ESG performance of investees, including monitoring, reducing holdings, or suspending further investments.

Lending Corporate borrowers are required to undergo an annual ESG risk review. This involves carefully assessing the initially approved ESG lending conditions, compliance status, and historical changes in ESG ratings. Continuous monitoring of clients' ESG risk changes and early warning information is essential for timely response. Additionally, a financial asset transition strategy should be developed to enhance engagement with borrowers.

Cathay United Bank Sustainability Report 2023

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