Stakeholder Category | Importance |
Employees | Employees are the most important asset of the Bank, which directly affects the Bank's service quality and innovation capabilities. Employ- ee satisfaction, professional development and health and happiness are the keys to achieving sustainable business goals. |
Customers | Customers are at the heart of our business, and we are committed to improving customer satisfaction and creating greater customer value by listening to their opinions and needs. |
Suppliers | We see the sustainable practices of our suppliers as an important strategy to maintain supply chain stability and reduce environmental impact. |
NGO/NPO | NGOs/NPOs play a crucial role in promoting social welfare, environ- mental conservation, and philanthropic endeavors. Through collabora- tion with these organizations, the Bank has strengthened our efforts in corporate social responsibility and sustainable development. |
Communities | Through engagement and investment in community development, we are committed to promoting community prosperity and positive social impact. |
Government | The Bank is committed to creating a robust operating environment by actively responding to government policies and strictly complying with regulatory requirements. |
Shareholders and Investors | Through the pursuit of sustainable development and transparent com- munication, we are committed to maintaining the trust and support of our shareholders and investors. |

Key Material Issues | |
Sustainable Finance and Responsible Finance | Product |
Digital Transformation and Innovation | Product |
Social Impact | Social |
Privacy and Information Security | Governance |
Customer Relationship and Service | Product |
Risk Management | Governance |
Compliance | Governance |
Focus Issues | |
Talent and Skill Development | Social |
Business Performance | Governance |
Climate Change | Environmental |
Attracting and Retaining Talents | Social |
Fraud Prevention and Advocacy | Product |
Corporate Governance and Ethical Corporate Management | Governance |
Financial Inclusion | Product |
Inclusive Workplace | Social |
Basic Issue | |
Green Operations | Environmental |

For the Identified Key Material Issues
Key Material Issue | Opportunities and Risks | Key Material Issue Opportunities and Risks |
Sustainable Finance and Responsible Finance:
Integrate ESG factors into our core business activities and work with our clients to implement sustainable value to achieve the goal of corporate and ecological coexistence and co-prosperity. |
Digital Transformation and Innovation:
Enhancing business models and service quality through technological innovation and digital strategies. |
Social Impact:
Social impact includes the implementation of measures aimed at promoting the welfare of the community and protecting the environment. |
Privacy and Information Security:
Protecting customer data to prevent unauthorized access and leaks. |
Customer Relationship and Service:
Maintaining and enhancing relationships with customers by providing high-quality service is crucial, alongside ensuring the legality and integrity of marketing activities. |
Risk Management:
Identify, assess, and manage various risks that may affect operations, including financial, legal, environmental, social, and corruption risks. |
Compliance with Legal Requirements:
Comply with relevant laws and regulations, including those in labor, environment, and finance to maintain the longterm stability and development of the Bank. |