Deploy a Collective Defense Network against
Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism
Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism
The Bank has established an Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism Committee, chaired by the CEO, with heads of various business units serving as committee members. Regular meetings are held to report and discuss issues related to AML/CFT. The committee reports on the Bank’s AML/CFT efforts to the board of directors semi-annually. CUB refers to external and internal information, including reports from FATF, foreign related reports, the NRA Report process conducted by the Anti-Money Laundering Office, Executive Yuan, and SRA conducted by the Financial Supervisory Commission. Regular institution-wide risk assessments are conducted and submitted to the Audit Committee for review and approval by the Board of Directors, with reports provided to regulatory authorities for reference.

Continuous Training to Maintain Professionalism
CUB conducts diverse education programs to cultivate talent in technology compliance, AML, CTF, and CPF. These programs aim to instill a culture of compliance from within and address the specific needs of employees based on their roles. Educational materials are developed to address internal and external regulations, international trends, industry enforcement cases, and emerging threats in electronic commerce and financial technology. This ensures that employees understand their responsibilities and obligations in AML and CTF efforts and are equipped with the necessary expertise to fulfill their duties professionally.